Ingredient :Glyphosate 41% SL.
Benefits :
- GLYKILL is a non-selective, non-residual postemergence herbicide which is absorbed by foliage and trans located throughout plants.
- GLYKILL is very effective for use on many annual and perennial grasses and woody brush species in croplaned and noncrop sites.
- GLYKILL may be applied for general weed control in non-crop industrial, recreational and public areas, and in farmstead weed control. It may also be used to control unwanted vegetation in row crops, vine crops and tree orchards.
- GLYKILL is of low toxicity to birds and acquatic organism and non-toxic to bees.
Crops :Groundnut, Paddy, Banana, Wheat, Chilli, Onion.
Dose :1.5 gm per ltr water.
Packing :100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm.